Tuesday, January 22, 2008

special friends r like pieces of puzzle,

special friends r like pieces of puzzle,
special friends r like pieces of puzzle,if u lose 1 it will never be complete again..Just want u 2 know ur 1 of the pieces i cant afford 2 losesandgirl**frend4ever
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Friendship is like the relation
Friendship is like the relation between hand and eyes. Its like when the hand gets hurt, eyes cries, and when the eye cries, the hand wipes........................................by sandgirl***frend4ever
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BYE is a little word that
BYE is a little word that causes so much pain the friend u hold now might nvr meet u again so nvr say BYE alwys say MEET U AGAIN ;-)murtuza(root2)
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Fish said to water u wont
Fish said to water u wont c my tears b'coz I am in d water. Water replied but I can feel ur tears b'coz u r in my heart. That is Friendship..By Jeet (Mumbai)
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Keep the lamp of friendshi
Keep the lamp of friendship burning with oil of love b'coz sun rises in east & set in west but friendship rises in heart & sets only after death.By Jeet (Mumbai)
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"Longest" is mother love,
"Longest" is mother love,
"Shortest" is Others love,
"Sweetes" is lovers love.
But....."Strongest" is a friend's Love.By Jeet (Mumbai)
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