Some people have nice eyes, Some have nice smiles & others have nice faces.. But You have all of them with a nice HEART…
I liked lots of people n missed very few, but no one has been as special as u! I'd stand n wait in the world's longest que just for pleasure of being with u!
Do u know abt d things which live after death??Eyes- 31mins,Brain - 10 mins,legs - 4 hrs,Skin - 5 days,Heart - 10 mins,Bones - 30 days,LOVE - FOREVER
How 2 fall in love: 1. fall but dnt stumble; 2. b consistnt nt persistnt; 3. understnd but dnt demand; 4. share & nevr b unfair; 5. Hurt but never keep d pain.
What's Ur important for me?