Tuesday, January 22, 2008

If your a Vegetarian to be nice

If your a Vegetarian to be nice
If your a Vegetarian to be nice to animals, why are you eating there food
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I'm a killer, i kill people for money
I'm a killer, i kill people for money, but you are my friend
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Its been a rough day.I got up this
Its been a rough day.I got up this morning,put on a shirt N a button fell off.I picked up my briefcase N the handle came off.I'm afraid 2 go 2 the bathroom
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Jesus says to John come forth ill
Jesus says to John come forth ill give you eternal life. John came fifth he won a toaster
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At dis moment in time 10 million people
At dis moment in time 10 million people r having sex.5 million people r drinking coffee.100 million people r sleeping & 1 stupid fool is reading my text!pass on
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The rain makes all things beautiful
The rain makes all things beautiful. The grass & flowers 2. If rain makes all things beautiful why doesn’t it rain on you?
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i want u 2 know dat our friendship
i want u 2 know dat our friendship means alot 2 me.U cry i cry.U lauf i lauf.U jump out of da window... I look down & den... i lauf again